正如有人以為北極有企鵝,Audrey 認為香港,有大象!
唉,能怪她嗎?帶小朋友去旅行,參觀動物園是免不了的節目。於是在過去三兩年間,大象她見過好幾次,也親手拋過香蕉餵牠們。所以當老師問:香港的公園有大象嗎?她想了想,怎麼會沒有,我們無事也常相見啊,就大大個Yes 寫下去。
哪魚呢?鸚鵡呢?她少去有動物的公園,爸爸媽媽又嫌海洋公園人多擠迫以致很久沒去;於是她又想了想,公園裡應該沒有這些魚呀鳥呀的嘛,大筆又一揮:No !
唯一的安慰,是這個小朋友懂解題目的啊 - 答Yes才要剔,No 就不用剔,清清楚楚的 。
Cute answers and reasonings.
回覆刪除P.S. I want point out "a park" in the question is vague. Why isn't Ocean Park and other specialty parks in HK not "a park"?
While the yes/no and multiple choice answers are easy to grade, they have proved to me their advantages are mainly administrative and have little to do with "learning".
hi kempton: ocean park and other parks are regarded as "park" - only audrey hasn't been to ocean park for a long time or else she would have said "YES" to the bird and fish question.
刪除re the questions, i think it's ok, given this is only a P1 paper! and the question i posted is the easiest one, the rest of the paper require the kids to spell and write, which is quite difficult i would say...
那記得外遊時別去night safari了,否則又把地方混淆了。
刪除請轉告小妹妹: 很喜歡吃"沙律"的那位金毛大叔昨天中了足球搏彩獎,但因為完全唔夠用來買大象,所以我們自私地決定把獎金用來買對鞋!(大叔的walking shoes全都潰不成軍了)
刪除Ursäkta mig. Jag är en fuskare. Kan jag lura dig några pengar?
Tack, men nej tack!
刪除it looks very much like:
刪除duck, mo man tai!!
i think i know swedish la!!!
回覆刪除我覺得老師畫了隻dumbo 囉!!
刪除答錯濕濕碎,懂得解題才是王道 x2